Newsletter 14 – January 1999

CCFG Event
Welcome to the fourteenth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter, discussing the general aims of a continuous cover forestry and the visit to Belgian Ardennes.


  1. Editorial
  2. CCFG Committee
  3. What is Continuous Cover Forestry?
  4. Report of mid-Wales Tour 2-3rd July 1998
  5. Report of meeting SW England 7th October 1998
  6. CCFG/ICF meeting Tayside 9th October 1998
  7. The 1998 programme of practical workshops
  8. Booklet on Continuous Cover Forestry
  9. Continuous Cover Forestry in Mountainous Areas, Meeting in Bangor 16-17th April 1999
  10. Visit to Belgian Ardennes 26-28th May 1999
  11. Meeting in East Anglia 17-18th June 1999
  12. IUFRO meeting on the transformation of plantation forests, Edinburgh 29th Aug-2nd Sep 1999
  13. Data from a Swiss selection forest
  14. Regional contacts within CCFG
  15. Membership renewal form

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