Newsletter 16 – January 2000

CCFG Event
Welcome to the sixteenth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter. In this issue the role of continuous cover silvicultural systems in the management of the forestry commission estate is discussed.


  1. Editorial: Growing Influence
  2. Future activities and meetings
  3. Role of continuous cover silvicultural systems in the management of the Forestry Commission estate
  4. CCFG visit to Sandringham and Thetford
  5. Silviculture at Erdmannshausen
  6. Transformation of plantation forests: IUFRO conference
  7. CCFG visit to Polesdon Lacey
  8. Open space
  9. Internet sites
  10. European silver fir in Britain: time for a reassessment?
  11. Answers to questionnaire: natural regeneration of broadleaves
  12. Principles of the continuous cover approach
  13. CCFG contacts
  14. Booking forms for meetings

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