Newsletter 17 – July 2000

CCFG Event
Welcome to the seventeenth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter. This issue contains reports from CCFG’s visits to the Holnicote Estate and North Yorkshire Moors.


  1. Editorial: Making the economic case
  2. Future activities and meetings
  3. CCFG 10th Anniversary Meeting
  4. CCFG visit to North Yorkshire Moors
  5. ICF/CCFG visit to Holnicote Estate
  6. Continuous cover in the Austrian Alps
  7. CCFG register of consultants
  9. Forestry strategies for Scotland and Wales
  10. Uneven-aged silviculture: common myths explored
  11. Principles of the continuous cover approach
  12. CCFG contacts
  13. Membership application/renewal form
  14. Booking forms for meetings
  15. Register of consulants form

Download: CCFG Newsletter 17 (8.0 MB )