Newsletter 18 – January 2001

CCFG Event
Welcome to the eighteenth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter. This issue looks at the challenges of the use of continuous cover in the management of conifer forests in Great Britain.


  1. Guest Editorial: WGS/CCF working group
  2. Future activities and meetings
  3. CCFG visit to Switzerland
  4. CCFG visit to central Scotland
  5. Dazzled by light?
  6. Viewpoint: on the role of light in natural regeneration
  8. Proclamation of Hanover
  9. Challenges to the use of continuous cover in the management of conifer forests in Great Britain
  10. Principles of the continuous cover approach
  11. CCFG contacts
  12. Membership application/renewal form
  13. Booking forms for meetings

Download: CCFG Newsletter 18 (9.0 MB )