Newsletter 19 – August 2001
Welcome to the nineteenth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter, containing information on the strategy proposed by the National Assembly of Wales for trees and woodlands.
- Guest Editorial: The National Assembly for Wales strategy for trees and woodlands
- Future activities and meetings
- Predicting the consequences of continuous cover forestry
- The inverted J-curve and the selection forest
- An improved spreadsheet to calculate target diameter distributions in uneven-aged silviculture
- Annual Meeting of Pro Silva Council, 2001
- Continuous cover silviculture in southern Ontario, Canada
- Selective thinning and harvesting to transform even-aged plantations: workshops
- Proposals for overseas visits
- Principles of the continuous cover approach
- CCFG contacts
- Membership application/renewal form
- Booking forms for meetings
Download: CCFG Newsletter 19 (8.0 MB )