Newsletter 19 – August 2001

CCFG Event
Welcome to the nineteenth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter, containing information on the strategy proposed by the National Assembly of Wales for trees and woodlands.


  1. Guest Editorial: The National Assembly for Wales strategy for trees and woodlands
  2. Future activities and meetings
  3. Predicting the consequences of continuous cover forestry
  4. The inverted J-curve and the selection forest
  5. An improved spreadsheet to calculate target diameter distributions in uneven-aged silviculture
  6. Annual Meeting of Pro Silva Council, 2001
  8. Continuous cover silviculture in southern Ontario, Canada
  9. Selective thinning and harvesting to transform even-aged plantations: workshops
  10. Proposals for overseas visits
  11. Principles of the continuous cover approach
  12. CCFG contacts
  13. Membership application/renewal form
  14. Booking forms for meetings

Download: CCFG Newsletter 19 (8.0 MB )