Newsletter 20 – February 2002

CCFG Event
Welcome to the twentieth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter, discussing future activities and reports of previously held meetings and visits.


  1. Editorial: new website co-ordinator
  2. Future activities and meetings
  3. Summer 2002 workshop on assessment of site and light for successful natural regeneration
  4. Autumn 2002 visit to Ontario, Canada
  5. Report of Lancashire meeting October 2001
  6. Report of visit to Czech Republic September 2001
  7. Report of Morayshire meeting October 2001
  9. Target diameter: Josef Spoerk workshop
  10. The Bradford Plan system of continuous cover
  11. Principles of the continuous cover approach
  12. CCFG contacts
  13. Membership application/renewal form
  14. Booking forms for meetings

Download: CCFG Newsletter 20 (8.0 MB )