Newsletter 29 – January 2009

CCFG Event
Welcome to the twenty-nineth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter, containing a report by Gary Kerr on silvicultural systems for tomorrow.


  1. Silvicultural systems for tomorrow by Gary Kerr
  2. Continuous cover forestry at Drumlanrig Estate, Dumfriesshire by Colin Edwards
  3. Continuous cover forestry at the Duchy of Cornwall’s Hereford Estate by Victoria Stokes
  4. Artificial regeneration of continuous cover forests in the Chilterns by Rik Pakenham
  5. Continuous cover forestry: a personal view by Esmond Harris
  6. News of other CCF events
  7. Recent publications and web sites of interest and more ….

  8. Download: CCFG Newsletter 29 (6.0 MB )