Newsletter 30 – May 2010

CCFG Event
Welcome to the thirtieth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter, containing details on the visit to Glenmore as well as a review of the CCFG conference on Understanding Daylight, written by Rodney Helliwell.


  1. Visit to Ramscoat Wood, Buckinghamshire – Rik Pakenham
  2. Field Meeting at Coed Bryn Arau Duon – Owen Davies
  3. Visit to Glenmore – Colin Edwards and David Jardine
  4. A review of the CCFG conference on Understanding Daylight – Rodney Helliwell
  5. Amounts of Photosynthetically Active Light under different cloud conditions – Rodney Helliwell
  6. ProSilva 20th anniversary in Slovenia – Phil Morgan
  7. and more …….

  8. Download: CCFG Newsletter 30 (2.0 MB )