Newsletter 7 – May 1995

CCFG Event
Welcome to the seventh issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter, containing the case study on Bouscadie Estate.


  1. Editorial
  2. The Continuous Cover Forestry Group
  3. Incoming Chairman’s Address
  4. Report on CCFG Workshop at Melbury Park
  5. Pro Silva Tour of Great Britain – June 1994
  6. Using a Spreadsheet to Calculate the Ideal Stand Structure
  7. Case Study: Bouscadie Estate
  8. Letters
  9. CCFG Workshops
  10. Publications
  11. Sustainable Development of Scots Pine Forests
  12. Tour of Forestry in Northern Germany
  13. Future Meetings

Download: CCFG Newsletter 7 (6.0 MB )