Newsletter 8 – February 1996

Welcome to the eighth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter.
- Editorial
- The CCFG Information Page
- Tear Off Sheet for Subscribers
- Constitution and Committee Membership
- Uneven-Ages in Silviculture (Jaap Kuper)
- Is Ecological Sustainability Compatible with the “Age Class” Forest System (Heinrich Reininger)
- CCFG Visit to Kyloe Estate (Gary Clarke)
- CCFG Visit to Bowhill Estate (Richard Toleman)
- CCFG Tour of Lower Saxony (Huw Denamn)
- CCFG Meeting at Ipsden Estate (Andy Poore)
- Report of the Pro-Silva Meeting in Hungary (Rodney Helliwell)
- CCFG Workshops
- Future Group Meetings
- CCFG and the Woodland Grant Scheme
- Slide Collection
- Publications
Download: CCFG Newsletter 8 (7.0 MB )