Newsletter 8 – February 1996

CCFG Event
Welcome to the eighth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter.


  1. Editorial
  2. The CCFG Information Page
  3. Tear Off Sheet for Subscribers
  4. Constitution and Committee Membership
  5. Uneven-Ages in Silviculture (Jaap Kuper)
  6. Is Ecological Sustainability Compatible with the “Age Class” Forest System (Heinrich Reininger)
  7. CCFG Visit to Kyloe Estate (Gary Clarke)
  8. CCFG Visit to Bowhill Estate (Richard Toleman)
  9. CCFG Tour of Lower Saxony (Huw Denamn)
  10. CCFG Meeting at Ipsden Estate (Andy Poore)
  11. Report of the Pro-Silva Meeting in Hungary (Rodney Helliwell)
  12. CCFG Workshops
  13. Future Group Meetings
  14. CCFG and the Woodland Grant Scheme
  15. Slide Collection
  16. Publications

Download: CCFG Newsletter 8 (7.0 MB )