Newsletter 23 – April 2004

CCFG Event
Welcome to the twenty-third issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter, this issue welcomes the new Chairman and covers the “cost” of transforming even-aged coniferous stands to continuous cover.


  1. Editorial: CCFG welcomes new Chairman
  2. Future activities and meetings 2004-05
  3. CCFG Workshops
  4. Remembering John Niles
  5. The “cost” of transformation
  6. A short note on light measurement
  7. Selling CCF to your client
  8. Target diameter felling
  9. Visit to Islay 24-25 April 2003
  10. Visit to Ffrwdgrech Estate, Brecon
  11. Book review: Managing continuous cover forests
  12. Certificate in Continuous Cover Silviculture
  13. CCFG Annual Report 2002-03
  14. Principles of the continuous cover approach
  15. CCFG contacts
  16. Booking form for Melbury visit

Download: CCFG Newsletter 23 (11.0 MB )