Webinar ‘Continuous Cover past present and future. Is it time to make more noise?’ Available to view on YouTube
Continuous Cover past present and future. Is it time to make more noise?
With Dr Alec Dauncey
Following our most recent successful webinar we have now made a recording available on YouTube for anyone that missed it or would like to revisit: VIEW NOW ON YOUTUBE
Where are we up to in promoting Continuous Cover approaches? Greater use of Continuous Cover, or closer to nature methods, has been ‘on the agenda’ for about thirty years. Encouraging greater use of CCF has been part of the policies of governments around the UK and is part of the UK Forestry Standard and UK Woodland Assurance Standard. But has there been enough adoption of it, for the good of the resilience and ecosystem services from UK forests? What can we do?
Alec Dauncey Biography
Alec is a Lecturer at Bangor University having completed a PhD in British 20th Century forestry policy in 2016. Founder member of CCFG and participant in various ProSilva meetings and tours in the 1990s. Forest District manager in Wales implementing CCF in forest design plans. Worked as a Special Adviser to Welsh Government Ministers seeking to increase use of CCF in Wales in 2002. Defra UK/England and international Forestry Policy 2003-2008.
Please contact Michelle at administrator@ccfg.org.uk if you have any questions.