Continuous Cover Forestry Question Time – CCFQT2

Please join us for our second online CCF question time on Thursday 21st November at 4pm. Our Chair, Jonny Hulson, will be joined by a panel of foresters: Hazel Cowan, Andrew Leslie and David Pengelly. The panel members will reply to questions about any aspect of CCF. The questions can either be provided in advance or posted during the session (the panel would appreciate some advance notice of as many questions as possible!).

    • Hazel Cowan has been a forest manager for over 25yrs working mainly in the north of Scotland on private estates for Cawdor Forestry Ltd. She has been fortunate to have worked in forests where she has been able to practice CCF, almost exclusively with Scots pine using group selection systems or strip felling. Hazel has learnt that CCF requires a lot of patience and that you don’t always get it right first time! She’s also starting to underplant larch and initiate regeneration of Douglas fir.
    • Andrew Leslie is a forestry educator and researcher with more than thirty five years’ experience across a range of jobs and countries. He has managed silvicultural research in the UK and in Somalia, Lesotho, Vanuatu and Guyana covering natural forest through to plantations and temperate to tropical and across a range of different cultural environments. Currently Andrew is part of a team at Forest Research conducting silvicultural and wood properties research, with specific responsibility for CCF, short rotation forestry and species mixtures. For twenty four years he led the development and management of undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses in forestry, delivered through part-time, distance-learning and full-time teaching at the National School of Forestry.
    • David Pengelly is a fellow of the ICF. Having worked in the forestry industry since the 1980’s and operated as an independent manager and consultant since 1997, he has considerable experience in a broad range of forestry related issues. David’s client base includes large estates, voluntary organisations, public sector and smaller privately owned woodlands, covering a range of forest and woodland types. David has particular expertise in timber harvesting and marketing. He is a director of SelectFor Ltd and Partner of D&H Pengelly Forestry & Agi-environment Consultants. David is responsible for several properties where owners’ objectives are met through the long-term application of Continuous Cover Forestry principles, resulting in the emergence of well-developed permanently irregular stand structures.

This is a second event along the lines of the previous event held in March this year, with a slightly longer timeslot. Booking is essential, please use this link.