CCFG National Conference 2014 – Resources

Conference Downloads

  1. Conference Programme   [PDF, 0.5 MB]

  2. Conference Report   [PDF, 1.43 MB]

  3. The report includes:
    • an overview of the conference and synopsis of the presentations (pages 1-7);
    • a summary of conclusions and recommendations arising from the presentations and subsequent discussion (pages 8/9);
    • and a set of priorities for research pertaining to CCF that emerged during the conference (pages 12-14).

  4. Event Photography

    Rob Grange
    , our event photographer, has taken a lively mix of photographs which can be viewed on Flickr. If you want to purchase any take a note of their reference no. and contact the CCFG Administrator

  5. View Ted Wilson’s popular article on the 2014 Conference in the Woodland Heritage Journal 2015. To download a copy of the article click here [PDF, 720 KB].

Talks – Tues 3 June

Message of Welcome from HRH The Prince of Wales [PDF, 430 KB] View
Session Chair Rik Pakenham
Chiltern Forestry
The challenge of delivering ecosystem services in the Lake District National Park Richard Leafe
Chief Executive,
Lake District National Park Authority
Keynote 1
The role of Continuous Cover Forestry in the forests of northrn England
Graham Gill,
Forest Management Director,
North England Forest District, Forestry Commission England
Resilient Forests: What are they? How do we achieve them? Is our knowledge base good enough? Gary Kerr,
Principal Silviculturalist,
Forest Research
Optimising stand development and economic performance in irregular stands Andy Poore,
Forest Manager, Consultant & Director,
SelectFor Ltd
(presented by Phil Morgan as Andy Poore was unable to attend)
Investigating the wildlife benefits of continuous cover forestry in lowland broadleaved woodland Christine Reid,
Senior Woodland & Forestry Specialist and
Saul Herbert,
Senior Reserve Manager,
Wyre Forest NNR, Natural England
Continuous Cover Forestry and forest adaptation to global climate change Mark Broadmeadow,
Principal Advisor Climate Change,
Forestry Commission England
Panel Discussion Chaired by Rik Pakenham,
Chiltern Forestry

Talks – Wed 4 June

Session Chair Chris Starr, OBE View
Current extent, motivation and status of Continuous Cover Forestry adoption in Britain: a review Scott McG Wilson,
Consultant Forester & Forest Ecologist
Continuous Cover Forestry in lowland broadleaved woodland in Herefordshire Graham Taylor,
Managing Director,
Pryor & Rickett Silviculture
Continuous Cover Forestry in Ireland: practice and research Dr Dr Áine ní Dhubháin,
Senior Lecturer,
School of Agriculture and Food Science,
University College Dublin
Keynote 2:
The Scottish Forestry Trust Keynote Lecture
A global overview of the future of alternative silviculture practices
Klaus Puettmann,
Edmund Hayes Professor in Silviculture Alternatives,
College of Forest Resources,
Oregon State University, USA
Bringing it all together: review and summary of the forest circuits Bill Mason,
CCFG Chairman
Final Remarks Philippe Morgan,
President of ProSilva