Pro Silva Annual Meeting – Ireland 2023 – press release

Transforming European forests and forest cultures in a changing world”

Foresters from across Europe will convene in Ireland this week for the 2023 Annual Meeting of Pro Silva, the organisation which promotes close-to-nature-forest management (CTNF).

Starting on 14th June, this year’s conference will be hosted by Pro Silva Ireland with support from the Government of Ireland’s Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. The three-day conference will focus on the theme of transforming forests and forest cultures in the rapidly changing world, highlighting the multiple benefits of CTNF for timber production and forest products, biodiversity conservation, climate adaptation, recreation and the provision of ecosystem services.

A range of forest types in County Wicklow will be visited as part of the conference, including native woodlands in Wicklow Mountains National Park, a young Sitka spruce plantation in Ballycullen undergoing transformation to a more diverse forest type, and mixed conifer forests in Cloragh and Knockrath that have been managed through CTNF for nearly 20 years. Ticknock Forest in County Dublin, a popular amenity which is being transformed to enhance its value for recreation and biodiversity will also be visited.

We’re at a crucial point in the evolution of sustainable forest management in Europe. Our forests are being subjected to multiple threats and challenges from the changing climate, the biodiversity crisis, increasing pests and diseases, lack of forest governance, forest abandonment, urban expansion to name just a few! Pro Silva members from 22 countries are looking forward to joining Pro Silva Ireland and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, as we strengthen our networks and share ideas on how to transform European forests in the changing world. In our 33 years of establishment, Pro Silva members are now busier than they’ve ever been! As the primary knowledge exchange hub for close-to-nature forest management, Pro Silva is now a key stakeholder in the development of forest policy in Europe, regularly working with the European Forest Institute, Forest Europe and the European Commission to help guide research, training and best practice in irregular silviculture. The increasing demands on our resources mean that we need to find ways to professionalise our organisation and maintain Pro Silva’s independent position on the promotion of close-to-nature forest management in Europe.’ Eckart Senitza, Chairman of Pro Silva.

Topics such as forest culture, research, education, training and practice will be explored by a range of speakers from UCD, Teagasc, Coillte, the Dublin Mountain Partnership and private sector foresters and ecologists with an interest in close-to-nature forest management. The conference will also host an in-forest panel discussion on the question “Can CCF serve industry, environment and people equally?”.

CTNF or continuous cover forestry (CCF) aims to retain a permanent forest cover while harvesting timber through regular thinning interventions, thus protecting forest soils, water and biodiversity. CCF aims to be both ecologically and economically sustainable as well as creating beautiful forests for people to enjoy.

Who we are

Pro Silva is a European organisation which promotes close to nature forestry and continuous cover forest systems. It was established in 1989 in Slovenia. At present there are 22 full members of the organisation and there are also several other countries with associate membership. Since 2018 we have associated members from the United States (Forest Stewards Guild, New England Forestry Foundation), from India (ForEco India), from Brazil (ACEF St. Catarina), from Kosovo (CNVP), New Zealand (Tane’s Tree Trust) and IFSA International Forest Students Association and hopefully this marks the beginning of the formation of a global network. More than 6.100 professionals and forest owners are involved in Pro Silva.

Pro Silva promotes its principles and concepts through a Europe wide program of silvicultural education involving seminars and excursions. Increasingly the members are also involved as partners in national or international research and networking projects. A European network of best practice demonstration forests is being developed.

Pro Silva Ireland is a registered charity with almost 200 members, made up of foresters, landowners, ecologists and other interested individuals. The organization regularly runs field days and training events for those interested in learning more about close to nature forestry practices.

Twitter @ProSilvaIreland

Facebook @ProSilvaIreland

For interviews contact:

Olive Leavy: +353-83-8855070

Jonathan Hulson (Continuous Cover Forestry Group, UK):  +44 7501657913

Images can be downloaded here:

CCFG will be hosting their next webinar – Developing permanent irregular forest structures: Lessons from Faskally Forest

with Andrew Cameron, Thursday 29th June 2023 4-5pm

This online event is hosted by CCFG featuring Andrew Cameron who will deliver a 30 minute presentation on this topic. This will be followed by a question and answer session for participants.

The Faskally Forest transformation was established in 1953 by Prof Mark Anderson of Edinburgh University with the aim of creating a permanent irregular forest based on European plenter stands. The original forest dates back to the early part of the twentieth century as a planted mixture of Norway spruce, Scots pine, European larch, Douglas fir, and European beech. At the start of the transformation in the 1950s, gaps created in the canopy were established using a combination of natural regeneration and planting of predominately shade/semi-shade-tolerant Douglas fir, Norway spruce, western hemlock, and European beech, and smaller proportions of shade-intolerant Scots pine, European larch, and silver birch. The study at this time was primarily viewed as a learning process to determine what does and does not work.

Records of the study from the early 1960s to the late 1980s are sparse, although some input into the area had taken place over this period. Increased interest in irregular forestry from the late 1980s saw a return to more intensive management of the site, and by the early 1990s the area was managed under the selection system.

A one hectare permanent sample plot was established in 1997 by the University of Aberdeen to study the latter stages of the transformation. Complete inventories of the sample plot were carried out at six year intervals starting in 1997 and subsequently in 2003, 2009, 2015, and 2021. In this seminar, Andrew will present an overview of the study spanning a period of almost 25 years. It will describe the development of stand structure and species composition and contrast a range of stand metrics with data from established Continental plenter forests.

Andrew Cameron is a senior lecturer in the Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences at the University of Aberdeen. His career has spanned practical forest management, research, and education. His forest management experience started with the Forestry Commission at Cowal Forest District in Argyll before moving to North York Moors Forest District in North Yorkshire.

He returned to the University of Aberdeen in 1989 to lecture in silviculture and forest planning. His research interests include how wood properties are influenced by silviculture and genetic selection, transformations of even-aged stands into irregular structures, use of alternative productive species, and the impact of climate change on forests.

He has advised governments in Holyrood and Westminster on various aspects of forest policy. He produced a report for the COP26 conference in Glasgow in 2021 on the importance of productive forests in climate change mitigation and in reducing natural and semi-natural forest loss. He has recently made presentations at three Westminster Parliamentary committees on forest expansion and climate change. He has over 80 peer reviewed publications.


Adapting silviculture to manage for adaptability

With  Klaus Puettmann

Following our most recent successful webinar we have now made a recording available on YouTube for anyone that missed it or would like to revisit: VIEW NOW ON YOUTUBE  

The presentation focuses on how silvicultural practices can be adapted to accommodate a more uncertain future. It starts with a brief discussion of the need to integrate variability when setting management goals. To show how this can be reflected in silvicultural practices, I then provide an example how thinning practices could be modified to allow for future flexibility, even if “surprises” happen.

Dr. Klaus J. Puettmann is Edmund Hayes Professor in Silviculture Alternatives in the Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society at Oregon State University. He worked as a faculty member at the University of Minnesota from 1992 to 2000 and since 2001 at Oregon State University. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers and authored two books, many with a focus on adapting forests and foresters to deal with global change. He is an honorary member of the Italian Academy of Forest Sciences and the Royal Swedish Academy of Forestry and Agriculture, a Bullard Fellow at Harvard Forest, and a Senior FRESCO Fellow at the University of Freiburg.



An Excursion in Kalebsburg Forest

With  Hinrich Joost Bärwald


Dense regeneration in a forest

Dense regeneration in Kalebsburg Forest

Following our most recent successful webinar we have now made a recording available on YouTube for anyone that missed it or would like to revisit: VIEW NOW ON YOUTUBE

The following topics are discussed:

  • Privatization after reunification
  • Consistent conversion to permanent forestry
  • Measures for effective hunting
  • Silvicultural measures to prepare for climate change
  • AFI plot and marteloscopes
  • Forestry certificate based on the ANW principles (permanent forest)

Our Guest forester from Germany is Hinrich Joost Bärwald

Hinrich manages 6,000 ha of privately owned forest in the north of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Germany) with an annual harvesting rate of ca. 30,000 cubic metres. He is the Chairman of the forestry association in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, and also the Chairman of the ANW (nature based forest management) – Country group for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania ( and a board member of ANW (Germany). Hinrich is also managing director of the local forest management cooperative Behrenwalde Bad Doberan. 

Our host Holger Weinauge owns Kalebsburg Forest, a 290 ha forest close to “Burg Schlitz” Castle, which he bought after the reunification of Germany. He also developed a close to nature certification system, which is based on the ANW rules in Germany. Holger also manages a 3,300 ha privately owned forest in the middle of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Germany) with an annual harvesting rate of ca. 10-15,000 cubic metres. He is a board member of the forestry association  of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and managed the local forest management cooperative Waldverein Bansow.

To view the location of the forest, use this link

For more background reading on German forests, please use this link

AGM 2023

CCFG Event

Date: Thursday 19th May 2023
Location: Online over Zoom


The 2023 AGM will be on Thursday 19th May 2023 at 1pm.

All members are warmly invited to attend. 

Booking: You can book to attend the AGM HERE
Contact: You may pass on your apologies to

CCFG Event

Date: 27th April 2023
Location: Starts in Lyndhurst, New Forest


The course aims to explore options for CCF management with broadleaved species. 

***This course is currently only open to CCFG Members, Cost £140***


A 3-hour indoor session will introduce variious aspects of CCF in broadleaves. The afternoon site visit includes a number of exercises to assess the potential for transformation to CCF on a number of sites. Course location is the New Forest, meeting at the Forestry England office at Lyndhurst. 


More information to follow. 


The afternoon will be spent on field visits in the forest. There will be no toilet facilities available during that time. Transport between field visit stops by car. Walking distances are generally short but up to 1.5 miles on one occasion. Walking will include rough ground. Suitable footwear and weather-proof clothing are essential, eye protection is advisable. 

Spaces are limited to 12 participants so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Contact: if you have any questions.

We currently have 12 places available to CCFG members. Contact us urgently to register your interest.

Cost: £140 per delegate

Booking: Book your space for this course HERE


CCFG will be hosting their next webinar – An expedition through Kalebsburg Forest

with Hinrich Bärwald, Thursday 23rd March 2023, 2pm – 3pm

This online event is hosted by CCFG featuring Hinrich Bärwald who will deliver a 30 minute presentation on this topic. This will be followed by a question and answer session for participants.

For our first ever live event from a forest, we will walk through Kalebsberg Forest with the owner Mr. Holger Weinauge. Hinrich Bärwald will accompany him with his iPhone.

The following topics will be discussed:

      • Privatization after reunification
      • Consistent conversion to permanent forestry
      • Measures for effective hunting
      • Silvicultural measures to prepare for climate change
      • AFI plot and marteloscopes
      • Forestry certificate based on the ANW principles (permanent forest)


Our Guest forester from Germany who will lead the day is Hinrich Joost Bärwald

Hinrich manages 6,000 ha of privately owned forest in the north of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Germany) with an annual harvesting rate of ca. 30,000 cubic metres. He is the Chairman of the forestry association in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, and also the Chairman of the ANW (nature based forest management) – Country group for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania ( and a board member of ANW (Germany). Hinrich is also managing director of the local forest management cooperative Behrenwalde Bad Doberan. 

Our host Holger Weinauge owns Kalebsburg Forest, a 290 ha forest close to “Burg Schlitz” Castle, which he bought after the reunification of Germany. He also developed a close to nature certification system, which is based on the ANW rules in Germany. Holger also manages a 3,300 ha privately owned forest in the middle of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Germany) with an annual harvesting rate of ca. 10-15,000 cubic metres. He is a board member of the forestry association  of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and managed the local forest management cooperative Waldverein Bansow.

To view the location of the forest, use this link

For more background reading on German forests, please use this link


A long-term study of transformation to CCF in Sitka spruce in Ireland
With Ted Wilson

Following our most recent successful webinar we have now made a recording available on YouTube for anyone that missed it or would like to revisit: VIEW NOW ON YOUTUBE

There is growing interest in the wider adoption of continuous cover forestry (CCF) in Ireland. This is linked strongly to woodland owner preferences for closer-to-nature forest management, climate adaptation policy and wider societal drivers for functionally diverse woodlands that deliver multiple ecosystem services. The key technical and professional challenge is the transformation of productive Sitka spruce plantations. To address this issue, a research project was initiated in 2010 by University College Dublin (UCD) which established the first long-term study in early-stage stand transformation that compared three types of thinning regime, low (conventional) thinning, crown thinning and graduated density thinning. The latter two represent “transformation pathways” with potential for application on a range of sites. The research has been sustained through the LISS project (2010-2014), TranSSFor Project (2017-2022) and the ContinuFor project (2022-2027). Partners include UCD, Maynooth University and Teagasc. Parallel to the research programme has been an extensive series of training and knowledge transfer courses and events, much of which is delivered in partnership with Pro Silva Ireland. In this presentation, Ted will present an overview of the study, some preliminary results and demonstrate the links between applied research and training.

Edward (Ted) Wilson Biography

Edward (Ted) Wilson is a silviculturist who specialises in the sustainability, resilience and conservation of temperate and boreal forests. His career has been multi-faceted, with roles in forest management, public policy, research and education. He has worked in Canada, the UK and Ireland, and held posts with several organisations, including the Canadian Forest Service, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, UK Forestry Commission, the Royal Forestry Society and Teagasc. He has delivered projects in more than 15 countries. Ted’s research interests are in the areas of tree biology, woodland establishment and silvicultural systems, especially continuous cover forestry (CCF). His current focus is the transformation of even-aged Sitka spruce stands to irregular structure forests. Working closely with colleagues in several organisations, he delivers an ongoing series of workshops and courses on CCF, especially tree marking, biodiversity conservation and management. Ted is adjunct professor of silviculture at the Institute of Forestry and Conservation, University of Toronto, is a Technical Member of the Society of Irish Foresters, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology.

Wilson, E. R., I. Short and Á. Ní Dhubháin. 2023. A long-term study of transformation to CCF in Sitka spruce in Ireland. Webinar. Continuous Cover Forestry Group. 23 February 2023.


Please contact Polly at if you have any questions.


28th – 30th September 2023

Location: Ireland

We are delighted to announce that we plan to run a study tour to Ireland from Thursday 28th September to Saturday 30th September 2023, in conjunction with Pro Silva Ireland.


Forestry in Ireland has a similar history to that in Great Britain, with widespread deforestation up until the 20th century followed by an extensive reforestation programme based largely on the use of non-native species such as Sitka spruce. More recently, there have been increasing policy commitments to greater use of native species and to the wider use of Continuous Cover Forestry. For example, in 2019, a new grant scheme dedicated to supporting CCF was introduced by the Irish government. This forms part of wider measures designed to supporting the sustainability and resilience of Irish forests.

Pro Silva Ireland was founded in 2000 and now has over 100 members drawn from all parts of the Irish forest sector.

Our visit will be based in County Wicklow to the south west of Dublin and within easy access of Dublin airport and other means of public transport.

Open to non CCFG Members also!


Further details to follow however please get in touch if you are interested in attending.

CCFG will be hosting their next webinar – A long-term study of transformation to CCF in Sitka spruce in Ireland

with Ted Wilson, Thursday 23rd February 23, 4pm – 5pm

This online event is hosted by CCFG featuring Ted Wilson who will deliver a 30 minute presentation on this topic. This will be followed by a question and answer session for participants.

There is growing interest in the wider adoption of continuous cover forestry (CCF) in Ireland. This is linked strongly to woodland owner preferences for closer-to-nature forest management, climate adaptation policy and wider societal drivers for functionally diverse woodlands that deliver multiple ecosystem services. The key technical and professional challenge is the transformation of productive Sitka spruce plantations. To address this issue, a research project was initiated in 2010 by University College Dublin (UCD) which established the first long-term study in early-stage stand transformation that compared three types of thinning regime, low (conventional) thinning, crown thinning and graduated density thinning. The latter two represent “transformation pathways” with potential for application on a range of sites. The research has been sustained through the LISS project (2010-2014), TranSSFor Project (2017-2022) and the ContinuFor project (2022-2027). Partners include UCD, Maynooth University and Teagasc. Parallel to the research programme has been an extensive series of training and knowledge transfer courses and events, much of which is delivered in partnership with Pro Silva Ireland. In this presentation, Ted will present an overview of the study, some preliminary results and demonstrate the links between applied research and training.


Edward (Ted) Wilson is a silviculturist who specialises in the sustainability, resilience and conservation of temperate and boreal forests. His career has been multi-faceted, with roles in forest management, public policy, research and education. He has worked in Canada, the UK and Ireland, and held posts with several organisations, including the Canadian Forest Service, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, UK Forestry Commission, the Royal Forestry Society and Teagasc. He has delivered projects in more than 15 countries. Ted’s research interests are in the areas of tree biology, woodland establishment and silvicultural systems, especially continuous cover forestry (CCF). His current focus is the transformation of even-aged Sitka spruce stands to irregular structure forests. Working closely with colleagues in several organisations, he delivers an ongoing series of workshops and courses on CCF, especially tree marking, biodiversity conservation and management. Ted is adjunct professor of silviculture at the Institute of Forestry and Conservation, University of Toronto, is a Technical Member of the Society of Irish Foresters, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology.

Wilson, E. R., I. Short and Á. Ní Dhubháin. 2023. A long-term study of transformation to CCF in Sitka spruce in Ireland. Webinar. Continuous Cover Forestry Group. 23 February 2023.