Author Archive

CCFG Event
Welcome to the twenty first issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter, discussing future activities and reports of previously held meetings and visits.


  • Editorial: New blood required
  • Future activities and meetings
  • Report of CCFG 10th Anniversary Meeting: Stand Dynamics of conversion to continuous cover 8-9 May 2002
    • Introduction to field visits
    • Rushmore Estate
    • Stourhead (Western) Estate
    • Colour photos of stands
  • Report of the University of Bangor Continuous Cover Forestry Study Tour to Germany: 18-22 March 2002
  • Report of the workshop on site and light assessment for natural regeneration: 9 July 2002
  • Review of the 2000 Pro Silva Congress report
  • Membership report
  • Principles of the continuous cover approach
  • CCFG contacts
  • Membership renewal form

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CCFG Event
Welcome to the twentieth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter, discussing future activities and reports of previously held meetings and visits.


  1. Editorial: new website co-ordinator
  2. Future activities and meetings
  3. Summer 2002 workshop on assessment of site and light for successful natural regeneration
  4. Autumn 2002 visit to Ontario, Canada
  5. Report of Lancashire meeting October 2001
  6. Report of visit to Czech Republic September 2001
  7. Report of Morayshire meeting October 2001
  9. Target diameter: Josef Spoerk workshop
  10. The Bradford Plan system of continuous cover
  11. Principles of the continuous cover approach
  12. CCFG contacts
  13. Membership application/renewal form
  14. Booking forms for meetings

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CCFG Event
Welcome to the nineteenth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter, containing information on the strategy proposed by the National Assembly of Wales for trees and woodlands.


  1. Guest Editorial: The National Assembly for Wales strategy for trees and woodlands
  2. Future activities and meetings
  3. Predicting the consequences of continuous cover forestry
  4. The inverted J-curve and the selection forest
  5. An improved spreadsheet to calculate target diameter distributions in uneven-aged silviculture
  6. Annual Meeting of Pro Silva Council, 2001
  8. Continuous cover silviculture in southern Ontario, Canada
  9. Selective thinning and harvesting to transform even-aged plantations: workshops
  10. Proposals for overseas visits
  11. Principles of the continuous cover approach
  12. CCFG contacts
  13. Membership application/renewal form
  14. Booking forms for meetings

Download: CCFG Newsletter 19 (8.0 MB )

CCFG Event
Welcome to the eighteenth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter. This issue looks at the challenges of the use of continuous cover in the management of conifer forests in Great Britain.


  1. Guest Editorial: WGS/CCF working group
  2. Future activities and meetings
  3. CCFG visit to Switzerland
  4. CCFG visit to central Scotland
  5. Dazzled by light?
  6. Viewpoint: on the role of light in natural regeneration
  8. Proclamation of Hanover
  9. Challenges to the use of continuous cover in the management of conifer forests in Great Britain
  10. Principles of the continuous cover approach
  11. CCFG contacts
  12. Membership application/renewal form
  13. Booking forms for meetings

Download: CCFG Newsletter 18 (9.0 MB )

CCFG Event
Welcome to the seventeenth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter. This issue contains reports from CCFG’s visits to the Holnicote Estate and North Yorkshire Moors.


  1. Editorial: Making the economic case
  2. Future activities and meetings
  3. CCFG 10th Anniversary Meeting
  4. CCFG visit to North Yorkshire Moors
  5. ICF/CCFG visit to Holnicote Estate
  6. Continuous cover in the Austrian Alps
  7. CCFG register of consultants
  9. Forestry strategies for Scotland and Wales
  10. Uneven-aged silviculture: common myths explored
  11. Principles of the continuous cover approach
  12. CCFG contacts
  13. Membership application/renewal form
  14. Booking forms for meetings
  15. Register of consulants form

Download: CCFG Newsletter 17 (8.0 MB )

CCFG Event
Welcome to the sixteenth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter. In this issue the role of continuous cover silvicultural systems in the management of the forestry commission estate is discussed.


  1. Editorial: Growing Influence
  2. Future activities and meetings
  3. Role of continuous cover silvicultural systems in the management of the Forestry Commission estate
  4. CCFG visit to Sandringham and Thetford
  5. Silviculture at Erdmannshausen
  6. Transformation of plantation forests: IUFRO conference
  7. CCFG visit to Polesdon Lacey
  8. Open space
  9. Internet sites
  10. European silver fir in Britain: time for a reassessment?
  11. Answers to questionnaire: natural regeneration of broadleaves
  12. Principles of the continuous cover approach
  13. CCFG contacts
  14. Booking forms for meetings

Download: CCFG Newsletter 16 (8.0 MB )

CCFG Event
Welcome to the fifteenth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter, giving a summary of presentations by Dr. Graham Pyatt on continuous cover forestry in mountainous areas.


  1. Editorial: Fight woolliness!
  2. Future activities and meetings
  3. Continuous cover forestry in mountainous areas
  4. Timber harvesting in selection forests in the Italian Alps
  5. Pro Silva council meeting in Spain
  6. Publicity posters
  7. Open space
  8. Internet sites
  9. Questionnaire: natural regeneration of broadleaves
  10. Principles of the continuous cover approach
  11. CCFG contacts
  12. Membership application/renewal form
  13. Booking forms for meetings

Download: CCFG Newsletter 15 (8.0 MB )

CCFG Event
Welcome to the fourteenth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter, discussing the general aims of a continuous cover forestry and the visit to Belgian Ardennes.


  1. Editorial
  2. CCFG Committee
  3. What is Continuous Cover Forestry?
  4. Report of mid-Wales Tour 2-3rd July 1998
  5. Report of meeting SW England 7th October 1998
  6. CCFG/ICF meeting Tayside 9th October 1998
  7. The 1998 programme of practical workshops
  8. Booklet on Continuous Cover Forestry
  9. Continuous Cover Forestry in Mountainous Areas, Meeting in Bangor 16-17th April 1999
  10. Visit to Belgian Ardennes 26-28th May 1999
  11. Meeting in East Anglia 17-18th June 1999
  12. IUFRO meeting on the transformation of plantation forests, Edinburgh 29th Aug-2nd Sep 1999
  13. Data from a Swiss selection forest
  14. Regional contacts within CCFG
  15. Membership renewal form

Download: CCFG Newsletter 14 (7.0 MB )

CCFG Event
Welcome to the thirteenth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter, reporting on the various meetings which took place and the successful visit to Finland in June.


  1. Editorial
  2. CCFG and its Committee
  3. Report on visit to Finland, June 1998
  4. Workshops 1998
  5. Meeting in Cornwall, 7th October 1998
  6. Meeting in Northern Scotland, 9th to 10th October 1998
  7. Meetings in 1999
  8. Revised booklet on transformation to uneven-aged forest
  9. Pro Silva booklet
  10. Light and natural regeneration
  11. Changes in silviculture in southern Ontario
  12. Application form for meeting on 7th October 1998
  13. Application form for meeting on 9-10 October 1998

Download: CCFG Newsletter 13 (7.0 MB )

CCFG Event
Welcome to the twelfth issue of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter, containing details on the visit to Finland in June 1998, the mid-Wales meeting and a report on the IUFRO workshop and field tour in Oregon.


  1. CCFG and its Committee
  2. Visit to Finland, June 1998
  3. Meeting in mid-Wales, July 1998
  4. Report on meeting at Glendye and Banchory, October 1997
  5. Booklet on transformation of even-aged plantations to continuous cover
  6. Report on study tour in France and Belgium
  7. Report on 1997 practical workshops
  8. Management of small woods
  9. The role of light in natural regeneration
  10. Report on IUFRO workshop and field tour, Oregon 1997
  11. Workshop on spruce monocultures, Brno, June 1998
  12. Target diameter management

Download: CCFG Newsletter 12 (6.0 MB )