CCFG National Conference 2014
Continuous Cover Forestry – Delivering Sustainable and Resilient Woodlands in Britain

Braithwaite Institute, Braithwaite near Keswick, Cumbria
3 & 4 June 2014


Background And Theme

The goals of the conference were to:

  • Present latest developments in CCF management systems, especially focusing on the potential of CCF to promote sustainability and resilience.
  • Demonstrate examples of CCF in practice, under a range of management objectives.
  • Identify future measures that could result in wider adoption of CCF in Britain including consideration of aspects relevant to research and policy.

The conference attracted 140 participants from across the British Isles and from North America. Presenters included leading researchers, policy-makers and practitioners. The programme comprised both plenary sessions and site visits to Wythop and Thirlemere Forests, with technical presentations taking place in the two woodlands. There was also an optional third day of site visits to the western Lakes.


Programme, Talks and Presentations

Menu of CCFG National Conference 2014 Content:

  • 2014 Conference Information– the original proposal document which sets out the context and themes of the conference.
  • Research Poster Display – posters of 8 research projects which were on display in the Conference premises, 4 of which were winners of a student poster award funded by the School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh.
  • 2014 Conference Resources – the outputs from the conference: pdfs of speaker presentations (some also in MP4 format); conference report; photographs.



We are grateful to the Forestry Commission for providing funding for the conference report and these web pages, enabling presentations and discussion from the conference to be made available to a wider audience.

Thanks also to the Scottish Forestry Trust for their support for the conference, including funding our visiting Keynote Speaker, Klaus Puettmann, Professor of Silvicultural Alternatives, Oregon State University.

We would like to thank the Local Organising Committee and in particular Ted Wilson, who worked tirelessly to present an excellent programme and make the conference such a success, and the speakers, volunteers, delegates and many others who contributed in so many ways.

Our thanks too to all our partners and sponsors who supported the conference with both generous donations and/or in kind.

CCFG Conference   
CCFG Timber Harvesting Workshop 2010
Presented by Professor Dr. Hanns Höfle

Stourton Village Hall, Wiltshire
12 & 13 May 2010


We were fortunate in having Professor Hanns Höfle to run this 2 day workshop which included indoor presentations, and practical field visits to Fontmell Hill Estate, Stourhead Western Estate and Melbury Estate.

Prof. Hanns Höfle holds an MSc and a PhD in Forestry from the University of Freiburg, and a PhD from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, and the University of Göttingen. In addition to his distinguished academic career he has considerable practical experience which includes managing the central machine shop of the State Forest Service of Lower Saxony and serving as a Forest District Officer. He acted as chairman of the Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee on Forest Technology, Management and Training from 1998 to 2004.

Sadly, Professor Hanns Höfle died in June 2014 whilst trekking in the mountains of Georgia. He was an internationally respected forester and will be greatly missed.

Copies of the Prof. Hanns Höfle’s presentations at the workshop can be viewed or downloaded as PDF files below.


We would like to thank Canopy Land Use and Selectfor for arranging this seminar. Our thanks also to Sir John Elliot Gardiner and Nicholas and Henry Hoare for allowing us to use their woodlands for the practical work, and to P.J. Cleary (buyers of Hurley Ash) for their generous support.


1. Extraction Racks    

Download/view whole file:


Download/view in sections by clicking the links below:

7.46 MB
  • The situation in Germany (pp.2-6)

590 KB
  • The role of silvicultural concepts (pp.8-14)
2.83 MB
  • Reasons for extraction racks: objectives, effect on soils, effect on growth and yield, negative effects (pp.15-37)
1.57 MB
  • Planning, marking and documentation of extraction racks: stand stability, dimension and alignment of ER, what to do with old ones, planning and marking, documentation (pp.38-62)
1.41 MB
  • Use at time of harvesting (pp.63-69)
145 KB
  • Contracts between forest enterprise and contractors (p.70)
36 KB
  • Maintenance and rehabilitation (pp.71-74)
1.08 MB
  • Reducing soil damage during harvesting (pp.75-76)
41 KB
  • Summary (pp.77-79)
49 KB
2. Harvesting Systems
  • Objectives and choice of harvesting systems (pp.2-8)
  • Target diameter harvesting (pp.9-11)
  • Thinning (pp.12-13)
  • Potential harvesting systems: overview (p14)
  • Motor-manual systems, flat terrain & steep terrain (pp.15-44)
  • Contracts between forest enterprise and contractors (p70)
  • Motor-manual systems, flat terrain & steep terrain (pp.15-44)
  • Fully mechanized systems (pp.45-65)
  • What to do with underplanting or advance planting (p.66)
  • Directional felling (pp.68-70)
  • Marking trees (pp.71-74)


3.43 MB



3. Costs
  • General remarks (pp.2-6)
  • Fully mechanized harvesting systems (pp.7-11)
  • Motor-manual harvesting systems (pp.12-14)
  • Skidding (pp.15-18)
  • Other costs (pp.19-21)


1.42 MB



*To download the files, right-click on the above links and choose “Save As” to download.


Westonbirt Arboretum, Gloucestershire
29 September 2009

Understanding Daylight in the Context of Continuous Cover Forestry


Understanding daylight and the manner in which it affects the growth of trees is not a simple matter. The way in which people perceive the subject is often somewhat vague, and knowledge of the basics can be rather patchy. A better understanding of daylight should put us in a better position to understand what is happening in the forest and how our actions might affect this, particularly when aiming for a low impact, CCF regime. Light is one of the basic tools in the manager’s portfolio, and it is perhaps comforting to know that there will always be a need for experienced practitioners, who can interpret what they see on the ground.

This one day seminar was designed to give practitioners a better understanding of daylight and its role in regeneration and the growth of healthy forests, and included an exploration of technologies which are used to measure daylight

In the morning there was a plenary session and in the afternoon there were field demonstrations using equipment provided by Skye Instruments and Delta-T Services.


File: File Type: Size: Link:
Daylight Conference Programme PDF [93 KB] link
Chairman’s Welcome
[74 KB] link
Review of the Seminar PDF [365 KB] link

What are the main factors in determining the effectiveness of daylight in woodlands?
Rodney Helliwell (Consultant)

PDF [288 KB] link

Variation in light intensity at different latitudes and seasons, effects of cloud cover, and the amounts of direct and diffuse light
Paul Burgess (Cranfield University)

PDF [901 KB] link

Amounts of light required for photosynthesis, and interaction with other abiotic and biotic factors
Maurizio Mencuccini (Edinburgh University)

PDF [2.5 MB] link

Field assessment and estimation of light under various canopy conditions and in gaps
Mathias Disney (University College, London)

PDF [2.3 MB] link

Results of Field Demonstrations

PDF [68 KB] link

Open Discussion
Chaired by Andy Poore (Consultant)

PDF [146 KB] link

Summing up: review of need for further studies, publications and training
Graham Gill (Forest Enterprise, Kielder)

PDF [97 KB] link

*To download the files, right-click on the above links and choose “Save As” to download.


We are grateful for the generous support of:

White Fir, Sierra Nevada. Figure from Jupp et al. (2009) Estimating forest LAI profiles and structural parameters using a ground-based laser called Echidna, Tree Physiology 29(2) 171-181 (as shown in Mathias Disney’s talk)
CCFG Conference   
Llanidloes, Wales
Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Silvicultural Systems for Tomorrow!



This study day focused on silvicultural systems that have application in Wales, and more generally in woodlands of the UK. Policy and social dimensions of new technical developments in silviculture were also highlighted.



  • The Wales Woodland Strategy Review, taking place in 2008, will raise opportunities to further progress the principles of multi-functional and ‘close to nature’ forests.
  • The emphasis for forestry in Wales is to provide woodlands that sustain economic, environmental and social values for current and future generations.
  • New forestry practices must be developed and tested to create a strong, self-sustaining natural resources sector in Wales.
  • The general public in Wales need to be assured that their forests can fulfil their stated wishes and are “fit for purpose”.
  • Technical and scientific information needs to be highlighted to aid practitioners.


Objectives of The Workshop:

  1. To review the major silvicultural systems that have potential application in Wales, and those likely to meet the requirements of the Wales Woodland Strategy.
  2. To highlight operational best practice for taking forward alternative silvicultural systems to clear-felling and systems that transform forest stands from an even-aged to irregular structure.
  3. To review policy and social dimensions that influence silvicultural practice and the choice of silvicultural systems.
  4. To discuss opportunities and constraints for wider adoption of CCF silvicultural systems, with an emphasis on conditions in Wales.

The programme included presentations by leading experts in silviculture, forest policy and social science.




File Type:



Workshop Flyer


269 KB


Workshop Programme


56 KB


Gary Kerr (Forest Research)
Silvicultural Systems

MS PowerPoint

3.7 MB


Arne Pommerening (Bangor University)
Best Practice


5 MB


Anna Lawrence (Forest Research)
Social Dimensions




Please note that these downloads are provided for CCFG members. This material is not to be distributed without permission of the authors/contributors. Please seek advice if you are uncertain about appropriate usage.

CCFG would like to acknowledge Jim Ralph for organising this event. Thanks, Jim!

If you would like any further information, please contact the CCFG Administrator: